In this lesson the learners define respect and relate it to the core values and beliefs of a constitutional democracy.
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Unit: Character Education: Respect (Grade 7)
In this lesson, learners read the true story of Cynthia Ann Parker who was born in a white family and raised by Native Peoples. They look for and discuss the examples of respect and disrespect for Cynthia and the Native culture she was raised in.
Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 7)
Learners analyze the meaning of personal best and recognize the value of persistence in doing their best.
Unit: Living History-An Intergenerational Philanthropy Project
The children write and publish their Living History books, following their interview notes and book format traditions.
Unit: Pitch In Philanthropic Puppet Project
Young people make puppets out of recycled materials. They use their creativity to come up with a movable puppet that represents a character in their puppet play.
Unit: Rights and Responsibilities
This lesson examines the connections between the five basic guaranteed rights in the Bill of Rights and their corresponding responsibilities. Participants explore the natual consequences of fulfilling, or not fulfilling, responsibilities connected to their rights.
Unit: Animals in Sports and Entertainment
Learners identify ways to use advocacy to promote change.
Unit: I'm in a Tizzy! How Can I Help?
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 7)
Learners reflect on simple actions that can make a difference to at least one person, and maybe make a bigger difference as the kindness is passed on.
Unit: The Power of Children
In this lesson, students dream big and envision what it would look like to have the problem solved. They discuss steps to take and what they need to learn in order to accomplish the task. They take personal responsibility for carrying out the expectations they set for the final service-learning...