Young people learn what it is like to be a refugee through pictures, video, and stories. They build empathy and do an activity that simulates choices refugees must make.
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Young people learn what it is like to be a refugee through pictures, video, and stories. They build empathy and do an activity that simulates choices refugees must make.
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Young people learn about people and children who are homeless and make bedtime bags for children in shelters as their service project.
"I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody." - Lily Tomlin
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In civil society, different people come together to form community. While differences may cause conflict, for the sake of the common good, we practice empathy and respect for others. Students respond to scenarios of differences in opinion. They learn to communicate respectfully with someone of a...
Students use standard software as they develop, research, and present a project related to community nonprofits.
Students will define philanthropy as "sharing or giving time, talent or treasure for the common good."
Participants define what they want to accomplish for the community garden and identify a place that is available and has the right conditions. This requires research and permissions.
In this activity that follows the model of the story of Stone Soup, we learn about a mindset that says "yes we can" rather than looking at what we don't have. We cooperate to solve a problem for the good of all.
The entire family is invited to a family night to assemble dried soup kits to donate to a local food pantry. They may use the dehydrated vegetables from lesson one and other ingredients or contact a food-packing organization that provides the ingredients, and you provide the volunteers. ...
In this lesson, young people create story scripts from the research and facts collected in Lesson One: Digging Up the Facts. The scripts include setting, one character per child, problem, solution, and a beginning, middle and end. Young people edit and...
Children recognize an act of philanthropy in literature and discuss ways to make the world more beautiful with acts of philanthropy.