Together we define philanthropy and identify health and safety issues we encounter in the community. The group creates a visual display showing issues of health and safety that are important to them.
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Unit: Community Health and Safety
Using a brainstormed list of health and safety issue areas, participants design and implement a survey. They poll a group of friends and family to determine what health and safety issues are of greatest concern in their community.
Unit: Building a Caring and Inclusive Classroom
At the beginning of the year we get to create our classroom community. We get to decide how we will learn and grow and play with each other for the rest of the year. This is a new beginning for all. As we start to...
Unit: TeachOne: Words Bring Peace
In this lesson, the students learn to use their voice to say something to make the world a better place. This is an opportunity to demonstrate and feel the impact of kindness, inclusion, and listening on a caring community. Students learn from a community helper about the needs they observe in...
Unit: TeachOne: Coming Together for Environmental Action
Learners walk around their neighborhood parks observing plants, use of space, and ways to make the shared space better. They problem-solve about things they can do and then interview and survey others to get ideas and permission to take action.
Unit: TeachOne for Earth Day
Young people get outside and play in nature and recognize the beauty of diverse living things in their environment. Their service project is to take action to protect nature and share nature with someone else.
Unit: Health Challenges "Kids Are Philanthropists, Too!" Podcast
In this episode of the Kids Are Philanthropists too! podcast, kids and adults talk about some physical health challenges and how they affect their daily life and feelings. Listen to hear their perspectives and get some new ideas for how to support friends and loved ones dealing with...
Unit: Resolving Conflict with Respect
In civil society, different people come together to form community. While differences may cause conflict, for the sake of the common good, we practice empathy and respect for others. Students respond to scenarios of differences in opinion. They learn to communicate respectfully with someone of a...
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
When life is at its most difficult and grief is great, a generous sacrifice can move the spirit toward life again. In these folktales, two Inuits face death with a truly generous spirit.
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 8)
Learners relate enlightened self-interest to caring by discussing a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville about the American tradition of democracy.