To help students see music as an art form that identifies social injustice, advocates for change, and proclaims hope on behalf of the forgotten.
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Unit: Food for Thought Middle School Unit by the Westminster Schools
Unit: Philanthropy—A Day at the Beach
With guidance from a local environmental agency, prepare the youth in advance of volunteering their time to clean up a lake or river for the common good. Arrange a field trip that includes picking up trash and recording the data.
This lesson is a reflection on the beach clean-up experience.
Unit: Compliments Can Change the World!
In response to the book, Thank You, Mr. Falker, the children identify the negative effects of bullying or exclusion. They explore the effects of positive treatment and respect for others.
Unit: Our Playful Community
Young people play with other children, showing that trust, collaboration, and thinking of the good of all are part of fun group activities.
Unit: Diverse Community: Who Is My Neighbor? (6-8)
Participants examine the meaning of and examples of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. They reflect on ways that stereotypes develop and have the potential to turn into discrimination.
Unit: Making our Voices Heard for the Community
Raise awareness of the importance of freedom of speech and the opportunity to voice one's opinion without fear of reprisal, as principles basic to a democracy. The learners investigate ways to have a positive influence in encouraging eligible voters to make their voices heard at the polls during...
Unit: Sowing the Seeds of Community
The youth read the book Seedfolks and discuss the diverse characters and their individual contributions to a community garden. While learning about the thirteen individuals in the story, they identify their character, heritage, motivations, and contributions to nourishing...
Unit: Early American Influences
Benjamin Franklin's work was in service to making a better world, and he influenced the nonprofit sector. His book, Poor Richards Almanack, makes connections to the common good through personal virtue and actions. The participants choose quotes to create posters that communicate...
Unit: Opening Our Hearts and Hands to Others (Tzedakah)
This lesson focuses on eight levels of tzedakah (charity) that were identified by a great Jewish thinker known as Rabbi Moses Maimonides. Students will investigate various ways to give charity and gain an appreciation of how people give of their time, talent or treasure. They will...