The purpose of this session is to plan and develop a video documentary. Modeling their documentary after the West Michigan documentary The Gift of All, youth interview local philanthropists and create a multi-media story of their community and local philanthropy. Creating and sharing...
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Unit: Lights! Camera! Take Action!
Unit: Our Constitutional Connection
Participants define philanthropy as givng time, talent or treasure and taking action for the common good. They identify philanthropy in a read-aloud story and the regional news.
Three amendments to the Constitution extended voting rights to more citizens. Look at the language of these amendments and the effectiveness of everyone actually getting the vote. Youth discuss the purpose of voting, and they take action to make a difference, such as by making ...
Unit: Growing an Environmental Steward
Learners share what they learned about an environmental issue with the community.
Unit: Giving to Others (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
The purpose of this lesson is to teach learners how to give charity, to whom one should give charity, and to what extent/amount of charity is to be given. The lesson follows the examples and teachings of Maimonides (the Rambam) as well as interpretations and extensions of ancient Biblical laws...
Unit: Philanthropy and Children Who Are Homeless
The purpose of the lesson is to create an awareness of local agencies that provide services for needy people, teens, and families in the community. Students will also learn the motivations for giving and see how help is provided to the community through the four sectors of the economy. Students...
Unit: Our Playful Community
Communities come in many different configurations and may be defined by place or purpose. A family, which also comes in many different configurations, is a community that comes together in the same space and/or with the shared interest of caring for one another. The young people describe the...
Unit: Selflessness in Community
We each have gifts we can use to give our lives purpose and make the world better. Using our gifts for the good of others can solve problems, if we take bold and selfless action. Even very young people are capable of the kind of selfless actions that create positive change.
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To introduce students to examples of the major types of nonprofit organization: arts, education, environment, health, religion, and social services. Each site is representative of a nonprofit category and the visit is to give students an example of opportunities for giving.
Unit: Soup's On in Our Community
Based on the recommendations of the soup kitchen guest from lesson one, young people decide how they will take action to help address a need. They may donate canned food, volunteer to serve lunch, bring games to play with children at the soup kitchen, or make bowls to sell as a fundraiser. This...