Small personal actions can be first steps in a life of service and civic engagement. Voting and civic action are small examples of responsible citizenship. Advocating for what we value is a demonstration of a citizen's rights.
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Unit: Small Steps; Great Journeys
Unit: Bully-Free Zone
The learners present skits share strategies for addressing bullying behavior. They make a plan to reduce bullying in their school or community.
Unit: Grow Involved 3-5
After reading the book The Librarian of Basra by Jeanette Winter children talk about the importance of books to any community. They discuss ways to take action for the good of the community related to literature.
Unit: Grow Involved K-2
The children brainstorm ways to give and share to bring cheer to someone.
Unit: Grow Involved 9-12
Young people discuss the need for and examples of nonviolent conflict resolution. They promote the idea of taking action for change by organizing a rally for nonviolence.
Unit: Character Education: Respect (Grade 7)
In this lesson the learners define respect and relate it to the core values and beliefs of a constitutional democracy.
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To introduce students to examples of the major types of nonprofit organization: arts, education, environment, health, religion, and social services. Each site is representative of a nonprofit category and the visit is to give students an example of opportunities for giving.
Unit: Nature and You (Stewardship) (Private-Religious)
This lesson will familiarize students with the Biblical passages that describe the creation of the world. Learners will develop an appreciation for the uniqueness of each species and will inform their school community about the importance of protecting endangered species.
Unit: Healthy Food Choices
Students learn about food choices as needs or wants. They read a book and discuss healthy choices. They discuss why is not always good to have everything you want. They discuss the foods we need to have healthy bodies and minds. Students create healthy food choice plates and share them to...
Unit: Disaster Relief
Learners research a natural disaster and examples of aid to help the affected populations. They learn the roles of the four sectors in responding to the needs. They participate in a collection campaign or other service project and learn about...