The group collaborates to plan, carry out, and reflect on an authentic service project that meets the health and safety needs of the community. This is based on the needs assessment conducted through surveying community members in previous lessons.
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Unit: Community Health and Safety
Using a brainstormed list of health and safety issue areas, participants design and implement a survey. They poll a group of friends and family to determine what health and safety issues are of greatest concern in their community.
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (K-2)
Students define community and recognize that a class or after-school group is a community because the members share interests and goals and work together. Focus Questions: What is a community and what is my role? What is health and why is it important?
Unit: Power and Race in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Using award-winning literature, the learners describe and analyze racism in Mississippi during the Great Depression. The readers identify the injustices in the community as well as the values and self-respect that build community relationships and strength.
Unit: Powerful Words Unite Us in Service
Analyze quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr, about being loving and inclusive. Design posters to encourage action and diverse community building.
Unit: Gi-VING Treasure through a Video Project
Students have the opportunity to create a brief video as an application to award someone they admire $1,000 as a needed boost. This lesson guides discussion of why and how to take action for the good of someone in the community. A lesson in mini-grantmaking with a powerful impact on...
Unit: Intergenerational Writing Project
Youth will interact with older citizens in order to make intergenerational connections in the community, discover the wealth of history around us, and develop pride in and a sense of connection to their community.
Youth develop an understanding of the value of a service learning project as they realize their responsibility to contribute to the community in positive ways.
Unit: Let's Make Lemonade
As a group, the young people and their families make all the preparations for the lemonade sale, including making posters and advertising in creative ways. The posters communicate about the purpose for the sale and the impact they hope to make. The children prepare the lemonade for the sale and...
Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
This lesson explores the contributions made by Clara Barton as a nurse and founder of the American Red Cross. Her work is an example of the women from the Industrial Era making a difference through contributions to society. This lesson incorporates a service project connecting youth to the Red...