Using the three economic sectors (for-profit, government, nonprofit) the learners will identify and categorize local organizations into one of these three economic sectors, They will write letters to those in the nonprofit sector in an effort to determine if and how their services might be ...
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Unit: Community Connections
Unit: The Joy of a Garden (3rd Grade)
The picture book, The Gardener, tells the story of a girl who makes a difference for the community and people around her by sharing her love for plants. The children may share their own personal interests to bring joy to others.
Unit: Community Philanthropy
The young people define philanthropy and identify philanthropic activities.
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To introduce students to examples of the major types of nonprofit organization: arts, education, environment, health, religion, and social services. Each site is representative of a nonprofit category and the visit is to give students an example of opportunities for giving.
Unit: From Passion to Career: Leadership Paths
Students examine the personal stories of various nonprofit leaders and relate them to the six Career Pathways. Students will discuss the ways that careers change throughout an individual's life as they pursue their passions. Students will also use the concept of passion to career to plan a...
Unit: Philanthropy and Children Who Are Homeless
Students select an issue area and research on the Internet, specifically the Learning to Give briefing papers to identify philanthropists and philanthropic organizations who have an interest in addressing that issue. Using the information gained from research, students write a...
Unit: Building Blocks of a Community
Groups analyze and define the concept of community. They identify the benefits and sacrifices involved in actions for the common good in their role as citizens.
Unit: Bullying Prevention Plan
In this lesson, learners explore and address the following questions: Who are the minority voices of the past and how has the civil society sector stepped in to protect their rights? What actions were effective? What public policies are in place to protect them? Who are the bullied today and...
Unit: Selflessness in Community
We each have gifts we can use to give our lives purpose and make the world better. Using our gifts for the good of others can solve problems, if we take bold and selfless action. Even very young people are capable of the kind of selfless actions that create positive change.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
Youth research and report back to the group about the nonprofit organizations that are serving their community and the many facets of community life that nonprofits are involved in.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty