Students use standard software as they develop, research, and present a project related to community nonprofits.
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Unit: Technology and Community Service Course at the Pingry School
Unit: Character Education: Respect (Grade 6)
A Dr. Seuss story tells about two groups of characters who have no self-respect or respect for others. They analyze the effects of lack of respect and identify ways to demonstrate respect in real-life situations.
Unit: Living In a Community
This lesson introduces the definition of a community and explores how communities come together to help or address a need.
Photo credit: Woodward Downtown by Becky McCray is licensed under CC BY 2.0...
Unit: Watershed S.O.S.
In this lesson, participants join a playful group called Poseidon's Protectors who are sworn to protect the watershed and oceans. They write a letter to Poseidon telling about their 3-part plan to protect.
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
The featured folktales explore themes of helping people make judgments of integrity in different situations.
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 8)
Learners read about the actions and projects of people their age who stick their necks out for the sake of others.
Unit: Be the Change: Core Values
Learners explore personal identity traits and discuss how a community is strengthened by similarities and differences among them. They each write a biographical poem using the provided template and their discussion notes.
Unit: Roots of Philanthropy (Elementary)
Unit: Cinderella Stories
This lesson introduces the characteristics of fairy tales as a genre. The children explore positive and negative character traits and universal themes in the story of Cinderella. The service plan is introduced in this lesson and carried out over the next weeks.
Unit: Dreaming of Gardens
After reading two stories, learners compare and contrast the attitudes, actions, and impact of the main characters. They reflect on some essential questions: What does it mean to be a philanthropist? What does it mean to be an environmentalist? What does it mean to be a good steward...