This lesson introduces the "Living History Project." We begin with sensitivity training, as a pre-service reflection and to help volunteers understand possible needs, disabilities, and attitudes of people with whom they will be working. The training leads children to understand...
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Unit: Living History-An Intergenerational Philanthropy Project
Unit: Cultural Competence
Youth reflect on the lessons they have learned through building cultural competence in this unit. They identify an adult they trust to have critical, or difficult, conversations.
Unit: Respecting the Environment (Private-Religious)
This lesson will teach learners G-d’s appreciation for trees and the importance of planting and preserving trees for our future. The learners will identify these concepts in Biblical verses, Talmudic passages and modern Jewish associations. They will also develop an understand of and an...
Unit: Nonprofits are Necessary (6-8)
Students will describe how local nonprofits help the community.
Unit: Philanthropy and Children Who Are Homeless
Students read about the Orphan Train and compare and contrast how that philanthropic effort has evolved today.
Unit: Heroes and Their Impact
Rosa Parks' acts of philanthropy brought a community of people together for the common good and resulted in major social change in her community and in the nation. Participants identify a need in the community and take action with personal responsiblity.
Unit: Beneficial Bees
Students learn about the role of bees as pollinators and learn about reasons their population numbers have been declining in recent years. They write a letter or create a handout to teach others how to help bees through planting native species.
Unit: Nonprofits in Our World and Community (3-5)
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
All cultures have practices and customs regarding hospitality, or how we treat guests. In these folktales, we learn about different expectations and degrees of these customs and how travelers test the limits of hospitality and feel the effects of their host's generosity.
Unit: Building a Community Garden Santuary
When the site is selected, they make a final plan for what plants to put into the garden based on soil, location, and availability. They make a plan to seek donations of plants or funds for their garden.