by John Kroetz
by John Kroetz
Written by Travis D. Tester with some content from an earlier edition by
The purpose of this lesson is to have students recognize the idea of an emerging democracy, analyze the struggles of the people, and decide on a way to help the people.
Students will investigate key local and national nonprofit organizations by researching their histories, services, and target populations.
Students define philanthropy and identify examples in history. They reflect on their own acts of philanthropy in their day to day life.
Learners explore stories about a hero, Nelson Mandela, whose actions changed the course of history.
Students use standard software as they develop, research, and present a project related to community nonprofits.
From history we know that working in community (not on our own) is the best way to make change. Young people explore the work of nonprofits related to equity and social justice.
We look at the Society of Friends/Quakers and describe how this group promoted the common good. The Quakers pushed for religious freedom and freedom of choice, which are Core Democratic Values. As a group, they formed organizations to promote social change in the areas of slavery,...