Sojourner Truth's contributions to abolitionism and women's suffrage are revealed through her own words. She worked tirelessly to aid the freed men after the Civil War and brought increased recognition to their plight. We discuss the right of all voices to be heard in a democracy and...
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Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
Unit: Reporting on an Ideal World
Unit: Forced to Flee and Find a New Home
Young people learn what it is like to be a refugee through pictures, video, and stories. They build empathy and do an activity that simulates choices refugees must make.
Photo Credit:...
Unit: Character Education: Respect (Grade 6)
Learners define respect and explore the meaning of self-respect and respect for others. They explore the relationships between respect and prejudice, bias, racism and stereotype.
Unit: Global Education: Equity
Youth explore the effects on themselves, the community, and the world if the government failed to provide U.S. children with an education.
Unit: What Is a Youth Advisory Committee?
Using provided evaluation or reflection forms, share details about the service and its impact. A demonstration to an interested audience is a great way to show details of the need and service and celebrate relationships and impact.
Unit: Character Education: Trustworthiness (Grade 6)
Learners write an acrostic poem using the letters of their name to communicate their trustworthy nature.
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 7)
In this lesson the learners discuss a quote about gratitude and consider the relationship between caring and gratitude.
Unit: Sharing and Caring Across Generations
The children tell stories about their family memories and the special “memory items” brought from home. (See Lesson One: Traveling Back in Time.) They meet their senior friend in person or through writing and share and compare memories.
Unit: Advise and Consent
Participants identify and compare the different roles of the four sectors of the economy (government, business, nonprofit, and family). They identify which sector does what and observe how they approach differently the sometimes overlapping responsibilities....