Youth role-play situations in which they are involved in philanthropic acts. They analyze the act of philanthropy.
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Unit: What Is Philanthropy?
Unit: Philanthropy at Home and Abroad
Students read an old quote about the interconnection of all life on the planet and recognize that we are each affected by what happens to others and the environment. They will analyze current local, state, national and international issues addressed in the evening news. They become...
Unit: Good Health in Our Community
Students design a plan to make themselves and their school community healthier. They brainstorm what it means to get moving and exercise, and they see that increasing physical fitness activity is good for everyone and brings a community together. Students will choose or design a service project...
Unit: Phil Up on the Arts
Stretching imagination and vocabulary, youth brainstorm words that demonstrate kindness and generosity. Being playful with their postures and shadows, youth work cooperatively with one or two others to act out their ideas and form alphabet letters.
Unit: Roots of Philanthropy (Teen)
Youth Activity: Students brainstorm time, talent, and treasure examples that they have to offer/give. The activity will ask each person to think of some ways he/she can generate money.
Youth Activity: Participants are playful with the meaning of the word philanthropy and philanthropic acts. This activity follows discussions about the many forms of philanthropy.
See the handout for supplemental faith-based discussion questions.
“If every American donated five...
Unit: Roots of Philanthropy (Elementary)
Youth Activity: Participants recognize a wide variety of philanthropic actions through fun and active participation. See the handout for supplemental faith-based discussion questions.
"If every American donated five hours a week, it would equal the labor of 20...
Unit: Poetry of Giving
The students will use their knowledge of philanthropy and poetic conventions to write original poetry about philanthropic giving.
Unit: What Is a Youth Advisory Committee?
The group reviews the list of issues and ways to take action, including those gathered with their families. They narrow the list through consensus. They invite a local Community Foundation Youth Advisory Committee member to talk about their work and grant process.
Unit: Character Education: Honesty (Grade 8)
Learners reflect on issues that people tend to avoid facing because they are difficult situations. They write an honest reflection on issues they can take action to address.