The learners identify the different communities with which they engage. They explore what it means to develop reciprocal trust within different communities.
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Unit: Character Education: Trustworthiness (Grade 8)
Learners compare two communities to which they belong using a Venn diagram and descriptive words related to trustworthiness.
Unit: Character Education: Integrity (Grade 6)
Learners listen to different statements of "the right thing to do" and determine the source of the value or judgment.
Unit: What Respect Means to Me
Learners define respect first for themselves, then as a group, they discuss the meaning of respect in different situations.
In this activity, the learners discuss and illustrate what it means to show respect for their personal identity, values, and emotions.
Unit: Character Education: Honesty (Grade 6)
Learners may use either journaling or role-playing to reflect on the benefits to the community of truthfulness and straightforward actions. They analyze traits and actions of someone who has built a "good reputation."
Unit: TeachOne for Earth Day
Young people get outside and play in nature and recognize the beauty of diverse living things in their environment. Their service project is to take action to protect nature and share nature with someone else.
Unit: Philanthropic Literature
The book the Rainbow Fish tells the story of a fish who learns to give a little of himself for the sake of others. We discuss the impact of giving something you value to make a better community.
Unit: Project on Poverty and Homelessness at Sea Crest School
Students will learn about federal social service programs over time and SNAP, the food assistance program.
Unit: Character Education: Courage (Grade 8)
In this activity, the learners get character snapshots of several different real-life heroes and look for patterns and lessons they can take away.