In this lesson the learners will be introduced to some of the individuals/Heroes whose acts of tikun olam provide important models. Having developed a better understanding of tikun olam based upon Sefer Yetzirah and other classical and modern sources on the topic of how the...
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Unit: We Are Partners in the Work of Creation (Tikkun Olam) (Private-Religious)
Unit: Money and the Common Good
Every day, we make choices about what to eat based on our health and what we like and can afford. As global citizens who care about the good of all, we can also be aware of making food choices based on our impact on an interconnected system.
Discuss and debate the issues related to fast fashion, its impact on people and the planet, and how the issue can be addressed to promote responsibility and the common good.
Young people discuss and debate the issues related to ethical consumerism and the common good, and consider how their spending habits reflect their values.
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To help students assess the effectiveness of charitable organizations and decide on their own financial contributions.
Unit: Philanthropy—Essential to a Democratic Society
Learners will define government and describe a democratic republic with a Constitution. They identify the role of government at all levels - national, state, and local and talk about what young people can do to have a voice.
Unit: Intergenerational Writing Project
Youth will develop a collaborative definition of "community" and realize the unique attributes of their community.
Unit: Our Unique Legacy of Giving
This beautiful documentary The Gift of All: a Community of Givers shares the motivations and attributes of the generous people interviewed. In response, the learners create their own short biographies of philanthropists in their community.
Unit: We the Kids - The Three Branches and Me
Participants analyze the essential qualities of the Core Democratic Values and how these values are evident in relationships and behavior in a classroom/group and in the community/nation.
Unit: TeachOne: Words Bring Peace
In this lesson, the students learn to use their voice to say something to make the world a better place. This is an opportunity to demonstrate and feel the impact of kindness, inclusion, and listening on a caring community. Students learn from a community helper about the needs they observe in...