With similar motivations to present-day refugees, African Americans moved north in the mid-1800s to escape slavery and unsafe living conditions in the South. Detroit was an important location where Conductors on the Underground Railroad helped thousands to cross the Detroit River into Canada. In...
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Unit: Exploring the Timeline of US Philanthropy
Unit: Resolving Conflict with Respect
Conflict happens in many situations and knowing the proper means to communicate and resolve issues can mitigate many problems. This lesson helps youth evaluate the roots of conflicts and methods on how to resolve conflict with respect.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
To have students go through an experience that mimics the multiple steps and importance of clear communication between parties necessary in planning and carrying out a service learning project.
Our classes do “The Beast” game as we prepare for our grade-wide service...
Unit: What Is a Youth Advisory Committee?
The group reviews the list of issues and ways to take action, including those gathered with their families. They narrow the list through consensus. They invite a local Community Foundation Youth Advisory Committee member to talk about their work and grant process.
Unit: Powerful Words Unite Us in Service
Analyze quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr, about being loving and inclusive. Design posters to encourage action and diverse community building.
Unit: My Water, Our Water
Participants identify the impact of humans on lakes and rivers. They explore ways to take responsibility to protect the waterways.
Unit: Good Health in Our Community
Students design a plan to make themselves and their school community healthier. They brainstorm what it means to get moving and exercise, and they see that increasing physical fitness activity is good for everyone and brings a community together. Students will choose or design a service project...
Unit: TeachOne for Earth Day
Young people get outside and play in nature and recognize the beauty of diverse living things in their environment. Their service project is to take action to protect nature and share nature with someone else.
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (9-12)
Students conduct and evaluate their service project, then celebrate their success. After the service project, invite guests, volunteers, community members, and other students to celebrate with the class.
Unit: Character Education: Respect (Grade 7)
This lesson focuses on another type of respect: valuing the world around you. Learners analyze a John Muir quote and discuss what they can do to show respect for the world.