This experiential lesson involves building the garden and inviting people to enjoy and participate.
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Unit: Building a Community Garden Santuary
Unit: Early American Influences
Benjamin Franklin's work was in service to making a better world, and he influenced the nonprofit sector. His book, Poor Richards Almanack, makes connections to the common good through personal virtue and actions. The participants choose quotes to create posters that communicate...
Unit: Buzzing is BEE-lieving
Sometimes we let negative words of others or our own doubts stop us from doing what we know we can. Children reflect on the importance of positive words and actions to make a strong community.
Unit: We Are Divine Creations (Tolerance) (Private-Religious)
It is obvious that our bodies require proper nutrition. It is less obvious that our souls and imaginations require sustenance as well. This lesson is intended as nutrition for the spirit. It is intended to demonstrate ways that people utilize their time, their talent and their treasure to...
Our lives are the results of billions of decisions. Not only the big decisions – law school or skydiving classes, but the small decisions as well – do you greet someone or pass by? Do you extend a helping hand or the back of it? What we decide determines the course of lives, the content of our...
Unit: Project on Poverty and Homelessness at Sea Crest School
Students will research a food program and write an essay.
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (6-8)
Students explore what it means to be responsible citizens and identify ways they are (or can be) responsible at home, in school, and in the community. They create a survey related to people's perceptions of community health and poll members of the community to identify needs.
Unit: Living History-An Intergenerational Philanthropy Project
Young people prepare for their visit to the retirement home by writing an autobiography. They work together to come up with questions to ask their senior friends.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
To show students that everyone is part of the big picture and that the skills needed to take care of a small community of individuals are similar to those needed to care for a larger community.
This activity can be done at different times...
Unit: Resolving Conflict with Respect
In civil society, different people come together to form community. While differences may cause conflict, for the sake of the common good, we practice empathy and respect for others. Students respond to scenarios of differences in opinion. They learn to communicate respectfully with someone of a...