Learners acknowledge that aligning with groups can promote belonging as well as conflict and power struggles. They discuss and write about ways to include and show respect for people with different identity traits.
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Unit: Character Education: Respect (Grade 8)
Unit: Character Education: Courage (Grade 7)
Learners reflect in writing about how they can use their personal resources and interests to make a difference in someone's life.
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 6)
Students brainstorm simple acts of kindness and design a bookmark as a reminder.
Unit: Character Education: Honesty (Grade 8)
Learners reflect on issues that people tend to avoid facing because they are difficult situations. They write an honest reflection on issues they can take action to address.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
To identify the qualities students see in effective leaders and create a life-size picture of a good leader emphasizing the body parts that represent those qualities.
Unit: Drumming from the Heart
The children visit a local preschool or retirement facility of their choosing to read aloud a book they wrote and illustrated about generous giving. They share a drumming experience and give the drums and books as gifts.
Unit: Character Education: Integrity (Grade 8)
In the first lesson, the learners analyzed the meaning of integrity as it reflects being true to themselves and reflecting honestly who they are in their actions. In this lesson, we expand the definition to include being true to oneself and others.
Unit: The Important Thing About Reading
In this lesson, we explore the value of reading and discuss why it is good for the community when everyone has access to books.
Unit: The Power of Children
In this lesson, students dream big and envision what it would look like to have the problem solved. They discuss steps to take and what they need to learn in order to accomplish the task. They take personal responsibility for carrying out the expectations they set for the final service-learning...
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 8)
Learners read about the actions and projects of people their age who stick their necks out for the sake of others.