We learn how different groups coming together for the good of all established the Mayflower Compact. This brief agreement was the first document of its kind designed to bring a community together to focus on the common good. This may be a model for a group agreement written by the...
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Unit: Early American Influences
Unit: Our Constitutional Connection
Participants define philanthropy as givng time, talent or treasure and taking action for the common good. They identify philanthropy in a read-aloud story and the regional news.
Unit: Philanthropic Literature
A read-aloud book teaches about George Washington Carver and his contributions to science. Students gain an understanding of a famous person of the past and the importance of his actions for the common good.
Unit: Philanthropy—Essential to a Democratic Society
Learners will define government and describe a democratic republic with a Constitution. They identify the role of government at all levels - national, state, and local and talk about what young people can do to have a voice.
Unit: Smiles Change the World
All people have need for and deserve friendship and belonging. In this lesson, we explore the elements of community relationships, like kindness, inclusion, listening, and trust. The children compile pages to make a big book that teaches others to be caring community members.
Unit: Repairing the World (Private-Religious)
This lesson highlights the importance of monitoring speech. The children identify positive and negative effects of the words they use and are encouraged to use speech only for good.
Unit: Global Peace and Local Legacies
This lesson introduces Alfred Nobel and his legacy, the Nobel Peace Prize.
Unit: Food for Thought: Hunger around the World
Depictions of hunger in excerpts from Jane Eyre and Oliver Twist provide concrete images of hunger as learners determine its causes and decide whether to support a change in U.S. public policy related to the issue.
Unit: Teaching Tolerance (Private-Religious)
Through discussion of the book The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss, we learn about tolerance and the value of diversity in community.
Unit: What Is Philanthropy?
Using the plays from the previous lesson as a jumpstart, youth carry out a plan to share time and talent in the community. They may help at a local food pantry or donation center. After the visit, they reflect on the impact of their contribution to...