The learners will review the tolerance skills/characteristics necessary to discern and promote tolerance. They will also identify situations that call for tolerance in their daily lives.
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Unit: Tolerance (Private-Religious)
Unit: Cultural Competence
This lesson explores the language of disability and the importance of asking people about themselves with curiosity rather than treating disabilities as taboo. We learn to use people-first language.
Unit: Community Health and Safety
Together we define philanthropy and identify health and safety issues we encounter in the community. The group creates a visual display showing issues of health and safety that are important to them.
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (K-2)
Children explore what it means to be responsible in school and in the community as a responsible citizen. They take action as responsible citizens to make the community healthier.
Unit: Heroes and Their Impact
Rosa Parks' acts of philanthropy brought a community of people together for the common good and resulted in major social change in her community and in the nation. Participants identify a need in the community and take action with personal responsiblity.
Unit: Telling Our Stories of Giving
Students become familiar with the structure of the newspaper and the purpose of the different types of articles as they explore "stories" about acts of giving and sharing time, talent, and treasure for the common good. Students recognize the types of voices and articles in the newspaper. They...
Unit: Be the Change: Homelessness
The learners examine their preconceptions about homelessness and build understanding of people who are homeless.
The learners build on their understanding, seeking actual facts and statistics about homelessness locally and nationally.
Unit: Roots of Philanthropy (Teen)
Youth Activity: Participants will discover how their time can equal treasure for organizations in the community. See the handout for supplemental faith-based discussion questions.
"My call tonight is for every American to commit at least two years, or 4,000 hours, over the rest of...
Unit: Art for the Common Good—Junkanoo!
Junkanoo is a Bahamian Festival that takes place in December. The festival was started by slaves who were restoring some of their native customs that they left behind in Africa. Junkanoo is a nice example of artistic expression communicating aspects of a...