Play matching games on teams to gain familiarity with terms associated with philanthropy.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
Play matching games on teams to gain familiarity with terms associated with philanthropy.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty
To show students that everyone is part of the big picture and that the skills needed to take care of a small community of individuals are similar to those needed to care for a larger community.
This activity can be done at different times...
To provide an opportunity for students who can maintain a vision of a goal their group has to achieve, to show leadership and coach their group members towards the goal. Helium Hoop also creates a space in which leaders can learn to sense the energy of a group. Often times, a...
Students learn effective techniques and complete prewriting activities for writing a persuasive essay. As a culmination of the unit, students choose one of the three styles of writing--news article, personal narrative, or persuasive essay--to write, edit, and publish about their experience with...
This lesson will teach the basic Biblical laws of Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim (the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) the rationale that supports these laws, and practical applications of these laws in today’s world. The learner will participate in a class project aimed to assist community...
This lesson will raise awareness of what constitutes a nutritious meal as well as the price of a healthy meal. Students will learn that some people lack the funds to pay for nutritious meals. It will also motivate the students to raise money to pay for meals
Learners examine the statistics of voter turnout in the Federal Elections and from these statistics the learners draw some comparative conclusions.
This lesson will familiarize students with the Biblical passages that describe the creation of the world. Learners will develop an appreciation for the uniqueness of each species and will inform their school community about the importance of protecting endangered species.
Learners recognize that we all have biases, but we aren't always aware of them, which can create an unfair situation. Since people have different experiences, we all develop different biases.