The participants will distinguish the difference between wants and needs and learn that many times refugees are without basic needs. They respond to a story about a refugee camp, “Four Feet, Two Sandals” and come to a consensus on a service project to benefit refugees or others in need, and plan...
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Unit: Refugees: Finding a Place
Unit: Quiet Contamination of Our Waters
Youth learn about the toxic ingredients in personal care products and take action to protect local waterways from the effects of the chemicals.
Unit: Save a Drop For Me
Clean water is a scarce natural resource because pollution and careless action can make it unusable for consumers. Learners research reliable facts about their local water and propose philanthropic acts to contribute to the common good.
Unit: We Are Guardians of the Earth (Private-Religious)
It would seem that contradictions abound in the Bible! Finding interpretations that allow these contradicting texts to coexist is both a traditional religious concern and a contemporary dynamic enterprise. It is also a pursuit that will determine how one comes to understand the role of Biblical...
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (K-2)
Children explore what it means to be responsible in school and in the community as a responsible citizen. They take action as responsible citizens to make the community healthier.
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (9-12)
Students research the practices of healthy exercise. They identify a topic related to good nutrition and personal health and write 3-5 facts to share with the class. They identify nonprofits that work to address related health needs and contact them by phone to ask questions.
Unit: Bullying Prevention Plan
The learners define bullying and describe the impact on victims, bystanders, and the whole community. We explore how bullying behavior can be a civil rights issue when it makes school a place that isn't fair and safe for all. They create a survey and poll members of their school and...
Unit: Building a Caring and Inclusive Classroom
Building a caring and inclusive classroom begins with an understanding of where students are at not just academically, but emotionally. Many students today have been exposed to experiences that affect their ability to regulate their emotions. By teaching children positive behavior...