Young people make puppets out of recycled materials. They use their creativity to come up with a movable puppet that represents a character in their puppet play.
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Unit: Pitch In Philanthropic Puppet Project
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
When life is at its most difficult and grief is great, a generous sacrifice can move the spirit toward life again. In these folktales, two Inuits face death with a truly generous spirit.
Unit: Grow Involved 3-5
Children listen and respond to a biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They discuss the importance of kind acts and service to others. They reflect on a quotation by Dr. King and apply it to their own lives.
Unit: Cartoons of a Civil Society
Reviewing current political cartoons related to justice, equity, and racism, learners identify how language and humor act as a form of social action. They create their own cartoons or statement promoting or showing the damage of one of these themes.
Unit: My Water, Our Water
Participants identify the impact of humans on lakes and rivers. They explore ways to take responsibility to protect the waterways.
Unit: Nonprofits in Our Community
In this activity, participants explore the work of several nonprofit organizations. They contact a local nonprofit organization to learn more about their organization, what they do, and how young people can help.
Unit: One Person's Trash
This lesson helps learners see the potential for reusing materials rather than throwing them away. They research and contact community organizations that support recycling efforts.
Unit: Animals in Sports and Entertainment
Learners identify ways to use advocacy to promote change.
Unit: Character Education: Respect (Grade 8)
The purpose of this lesson is for learners to evaluate what first impressions of people they form and to deliberately be more open to treating people respectfully.
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 7)
Learners reflect on simple actions that can make a difference to at least one person, and maybe make a bigger difference as the kindness is passed on.