The participants will distinguish the difference between wants and needs and learn that many times refugees are without basic needs. They respond to a story about a refugee camp, “Four Feet, Two Sandals” and come to a consensus on a service project to benefit refugees or others in need, and plan...
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Unit: Refugees: Finding a Place
Unit: Grow Involved 9-12
In this lesson, students define serial reciprocity as "paying it forward." They compare the concept of paying it forward (serial reciprocity) with the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They brainstorm issues and campaigns they can address to make an impact that ripples forward as a result of...
Young people learn about people and children who are homeless and make bedtime bags for children in shelters as their service project.
"I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody." - Lily Tomlin
Photo Credit:...
Unit: My Country, My Community
While reviewing the expectations for immigrants to become citizens, young people learn about their own rights and civic responsibility. They learn that freedom isn't free. It was purchased by service and requires continued responsibility of citizens to uphold the rights and expectations of the...
Unit: Friends Helping Friends to Prevent Bullying
Learners define bullying and describe what bullying behavior looks and feels like. In contrast, they experience the feelings of being helpful and nice to peers when they need it.
Unit: Intergenerational Writing Project
Youth will develop a collaborative definition of "community" and realize the unique attributes of their community.
Unit: Soup's On in Our Community
Young people learn about philanthropy through the book Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen and a visit from a nonprofit representative.
Unit: Phil Up on the Arts
Discuss when permission is needed in order to perform an act of philanthropy. Learn and practice a song about giving.
Unit: Environmental Groups and the Three Sectors
Learners investigate and share information about environmental organizations, particularly around the Flint Water Crisis, to compare and contrast how the three sectors differ in their purposes, goals, and achievements.
Unit: We Are Partners in the Work of Creation (Tikkun Olam) (Private-Religious)
In this lesson the learners will be introduced to some of the individuals/Heroes whose acts of tikun olam provide important models. Having developed a better understanding of tikun olam based upon Sefer Yetzirah and other classical and modern sources on the topic of how the...