We learn about Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her leadership of the woman's suffrage movement. At the time it was hard for some people to see that women deserved equality or that change was possible, but her persistence and organization techniques helped raise awareness and involvement....
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Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
Unit: What Goes Around, Comes Around!
Artists contribute to the common good by sharing their talents. The nonprofit sector supports artists with funding, museums, and attention or education. We learn how artists' work is supported by philanthropy and nonproft organizations that assure we have access to art. Young...
Unit: Environment: Sustaining Our World
The youth learn how water safety is fragile. Even with good intentions, people and processes can cause major problems. They raise awareness of water issues and the importance of being vigilant about this shared need.
Photo Credit: ...
Unit: Character Education: Trustworthiness (Grade 8)
We learn about public trust and identify characteristics of public figures that merit trust. Learners also discuss how they can use their own time, talent, and treasure to support trustworthy politicians, sports figures, corporations, and celebrities.
Unit: Let's Make Lemonade
The group discusses and agrees on a need to address through donating money. They watch a film about a boy who sets up a lemonade stand and read a book about a national Lemonade Stand effort. Then they identify a need, learn more, and communicate the need to others.
Unit: Nonprofits in Our World and Community (3-5)
Students will distinguish the nonprofit sector from the for-profit sector.
Young people identify examples of philanthropy in a classic piece of literature. Note: One handout has Biblical applications of the storyline.
Unit: Women in Philanthropy
Madam C. J. Walker, successful African American business woman, supported many causes with the profits of her business. We become aware of the many ways people give.
Unit: Understanding Justice, Kindness and Tolerance
This lesson examines one way a lack of self-awareness can play a role in perpetuating racism and prejudice. Learners identify ways they can advocate for justice and kindness.
Unit: Air Pollution and Asthma
Young people gain awareness of the negative effects of air pollution, especially asthma. They research and identify some of the sources of air pollution in the school and community and possible ways to improve air quality in these areas.