A positive school or community climate is made up of people making choices about how to act and treat one another. It is everyone's responsibility to follow the established social contract. To make a deliberate social contract, participants identify how they want to act together and survey the...
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Unit: We are the Positive School Culture
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To introduce students to a definition of social entrepreneurship and examples of social entrepreneurs in America.
Unit: Rights and Responsibilities
This lesson clarifies that true rights are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Participants discuss the importance of protecting these rights, and if and when it is ever appropriate to limit rights. We learn that one role of nonprofits is to preserve and promote guaranteed rights.
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (6-8)
Students explore the meanings of community and healthy. While moving around the classroom in an organized game, they have conversations about healthy communities and healthy choices for themselves.
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 7)
In this lesson the learners discuss a quote about gratitude and consider the relationship between caring and gratitude.
Unit: Food for Thought Middle School Unit by the Westminster Schools
To help students understand how to use their voices to advocate for causes about which they care.
To help students see music as an art form that identifies social injustice, advocates for change, and proclaims hope on behalf of the forgotten.
Unit: Project on Poverty and Homelessness at Sea Crest School
Students will learn about federal social service programs over time and SNAP, the food assistance program.
Students identify emergency food assistance programs and stereotypes surrounding hunger.
Unit: The Power of Children
Students form groups, sign group agreements, delegate tasks, and begin forming their service-learing project proposal. The teacher provides mini-lessons to individuals, as needed, who bring information back to groups on presentation skills, budgeting, and service-learning procedure.