Learners review healthy eating habits and share their learning to promote a healthier community.
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Unit: Be the Change: Personal Health
Unit: Let's Make Lemonade
Now that the need they want to address is identified, the children meet people in the community who address the need and others who may want to help them with their fundraiser.
Unit: Living History-An Intergenerational Philanthropy Project
This lesson introduces the "Living History Project." We begin with sensitivity training, as a pre-service reflection and to help volunteers understand possible needs, disabilities, and attitudes of people with whom they will be working. The training leads children to understand...
Unit: Social Reformer—Jane Addams
Jane Addams is a model philanthropist in action, improving many situations through volunteerism and advocacy, not only in the city of Chicago, but also at state, national and international levels.
Unit: Phil Up on the Arts
Stretching imagination and vocabulary, youth brainstorm words that demonstrate kindness and generosity. Being playful with their postures and shadows, youth work cooperatively with one or two others to act out their ideas and form alphabet letters.
Unit: Civil War Philanthropy
Young people read about the talents and interests of people who took action for the common good during the Civil War and Reconstruction. The youth identify some of their own talents and match them to nonprofit organizations they can support today.
Unit: Philanthropy—Essential to a Democratic Society
Learners are introduced to the concept of philanthropy, as giving time, talent, or treasure and taking action for the common good. They evaluate the role of philanthropy in the smooth functioning of government, and describe the role of families in shaping...
Unit: Our Land
Introduce the folksinger Woody Guthrie and his legendary song This Land Is Your Land. His songs were written for everyone to get involved in their community. Learners understand that it is the responsibility of everyone to help take care of each other and the Earth.
Unit: From Struggle to Success
Students learn from examples of people who have experienced a struggle and used surrounding resources to make something better for themselves and the people around them. Examples of "servant leadership" are taken from the Our State of Generosity...
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (K-2)
This lesson explores the components of healthy living: eating healthy foods and exercise. Children identify their favorite healthy foods and forms of exercise that help them live a healthy life. Focus question: What foods and activity choices are important for healthy living?