A cooperative game demonstrates that we are all connected and that others are affected by things that we may believe only affect us. They read about and discuss gender inequality in global schools and explore what policies and measures are in place for achieving universal primary education for...
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Unit: Global Education: Equity
Unit: Project on Poverty and Homelessness at Sea Crest School
Students will research a food program and write an essay.
Unit: Dear Philanthropist
Based on researched information, participants write a bio-poem about a philanthropist.
Unit: Kwanzaa: Unity Within Community
Learners develop an understanding of the seven principles of Kwanzaa through artistic applications. They are challenged to apply the principles to their everyday lives in a way that enhances the communities to which they belong.
Unit: Our Land
Motivated by the song "This Land is Your Land," learners locate areas on a U.S. map and discuss the definitions of community, philanthropy, and volunteer. They picture themselves as volunteers, helping others.
Unit: Our Constitutional Connection
Participants define philanthropy as givng time, talent or treasure and taking action for the common good. They identify philanthropy in a read-aloud story and the regional news.
Unit: Living In a Community
The children explore attributes of the community in which they live. They compare ways to be generous in rural, urban, and suburban communities.
Unit: Cultural Diversity in Service
Using the radio broadcast "This I Believe" as a model, learners create visual or audio statements of their beliefs about volunteering and serving. Each presentation communicates the culture, experiences, and motivations that influence the learner's attitude about service. After presenting...
Unit: Advise and Consent
Participants will survey members of the community (school or local area) to determine a need, write proposals to satisfy the need, consider doing an optional one-day fundraiser to help fill that need, serve on a board of directors or a youth advisory...
Unit: Good Health in Our Community
Students design a plan to make themselves and their school community healthier. They brainstorm what it means to get moving and exercise, and they see that increasing physical fitness activity is good for everyone and brings a community together. Students will choose or design a service project...