Written by Anastesia Okaomee
Written by Anastesia Okaomee
by Crystal Jones
Biographical Highlights
The activities described here are linked at the bottom of this page to help learners get to know their community and the resources there. They also help students take action to address a need and then reflect on the service-learning process.
Learners identify and investigate local and national nonprofit organizations by researching their histories, services, and target populations, as well as job opportunities using the Idealist.org web site.
Learners read and reflect on the meaning of democracy. They discuss and explore examples of participatory democracy in history. They read quotes from Founding Fathers and relate them to philanthropy and civic engagement.
The learners analyze examples from history of civic virtue and then select the characteristics they believe are most important for enduring citizen engagement.
Gain knowledge, skills, and approaches to help young people understand issues and resources in their communities so that they can make informed, impactful decisions about how they will contribute their time, talent and treasure.
Learners are introduced to the concept of philanthropy, as giving time, talent, or treasure and taking action for the common good. They evaluate the role of philanthropy in the smooth functioning of government, and describe the role of families in shaping...