After reading the book The Librarian of Basra by Jeanette Winter children talk about the importance of books to any community. They discuss ways to take action for the good of the community related to literature.
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Unit: Grow Involved 3-5
Unit: A Voice for Children
Youth learn about basic human rights and discuss whether everyone deserves these rights. In addition, they reflect on examples of human kindness and collective action for the common good.
Unit: Exploring Philanthropic Motivations
Youth analyze personal reasons for taking action and compare them to the researched motivations for giving.
Unit: Living In a Community
This lesson introduces the definition of a community and explores how communities come together to help or address a need.
Photo credit: Woodward Downtown by Becky McCray is licensed under CC BY 2.0...
Unit: One Person's Trash
In this lesson, we learn about landfills and the global and local management of trash.
Unit: Responsible Energy Use
Raise the learners' awareness of responsible energy usage in their daily practice and global energy choices. They connect environmental stewardship to the use of renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
Unit: Be the Change: Core Values
Learners explore personal identity traits and discuss how a community is strengthened by similarities and differences among them. They each write a biographical poem using the provided template and their discussion notes.
Unit: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The conversation centers on bringing individuals together in community, as they learned from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We each have individual strengths, and we are stronger together as we share our hopes for a world united in generosity for all. The children bind individual pages together...
Unit: Grow Involved 9-12
Young people discuss the need for and examples of nonviolent conflict resolution. They promote the idea of taking action for change by organizing a rally for nonviolence.
Unit: Writers as Activists
Students will recognize the linguistic strategies that Alice Walker uses in her introduction to Anything You Love Can Be Saved that persuade readers to believe in her causes, and thus begin to think about techniques that they can use in their own activist writing, which they will do in...