The children explore attributes of the community in which they live. They compare ways to be generous in rural, urban, and suburban communities.
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Unit: Living In a Community
The participants investigate the roles of historical and contemporary Latino philanthropists. They will look at the work of César Chávez and Dolores Huerta in the farm labor movement within the historical context of Latino activism in the United States.
Unit: Advise and Consent
Participants identify and compare the different roles of the four sectors of the economy (government, business, nonprofit, and family). They identify which sector does what and observe how they approach differently the sometimes overlapping responsibilities....
Unit: Roots of Philanthropy (Teen)
Youth Activity: Youth explore the meaning of "common good," which is part of the definition of philanthropy.
"A community is only as good as its most unhealthy part." - anonymous
Unit: Our Unique Legacy of Giving
This beautiful documentary The Gift of All: a Community of Givers shares the motivations and attributes of the generous people interviewed. In response, the learners create their own short biographies of philanthropists in their community.
Unit: Social Reformer—Jane Addams
Jane Addams is a model philanthropist in action, improving many situations through volunteerism and advocacy, not only in the city of Chicago, but also at state, national and international levels.
Unit: Small Steps; Great Journeys
Small personal actions can be first steps in a life of service and civic engagement. Voting and civic action are small examples of responsible citizenship. Advocating for what we value is a demonstration of a citizen's rights.
Unit: Project on Poverty and Homelessness at Sea Crest School
Students explore how charity and philanthropy address hunger and poverty.
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
To accomplish a goal together through the use of teamwork skills, problem solving, risk taking and perseverance.
Turnstile is a problem solving activity that gets many students out of their comfort zone. Although it looks like a simple jump rope activity...
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To introduce students to grantmaking and the work of community foundations.