Students edit their memoir drafts, adding dialogue and figurative language in this guided writing session. This lesson will help students realize that struggles they experience in their lives often lead to a new understanding or lesson learned. Students will reflect on how their experience...
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Unit: From Struggle to Success
Unit: Character Education: Honesty (Grade 8)
Learners reflect on issues that people tend to avoid facing because they are difficult situations. They write an honest reflection on issues they can take action to address.
Unit: Bully-Free Zone
The learners reflect on a literature book written from the viewpoint of someone who used to bully others, Confessions of a Former Bully. They analyze the data collected from their survey to determine how bullying behavior affects their school. They learn that addressing...
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To create multi-media iBooks with PSAs (public service announcements) that explore and raise awareness about (local or global) issues (such as homelessness, water pollution, education, or hunger) that can be addressed by philanthropy.
Enable students to methodically assess their choice of philanthropic giving and decide where to make a $500 donation.
Unit: Nonprofits are Necessary (6-8)
The purpose of this lesson is to have students recognize the idea of an emerging democracy, analyze the struggles of the people, and decide on a way to help the people.
Unit: Intergenerational Writing Project
This activity will help youth realize the ways that writing has served as an historical tool, and to understand that through writing individuals have captured and preserved history.
Unit: Mighty Pens: Writers for Positive Change
This lesson teaches how to journal about their own experiences and feelings. It is intended to be taught in conjunction with a project of civic engagement or service. The project provides content and a context for journaling about personal experience.
Unit: Global Education: Why Learn?
Children hear a true story about a woman who performs a brave act related to education for the common good. They identify the benefit shared by the whole community. They define philanthropy and common good.
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 8)
Learners read about and discuss Fair Trade and how it relates to justice, fairness, and equity.