Young people identify examples of philanthropy in a classic piece of literature. Note: One handout has Biblical applications of the storyline.
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Unit: Resolving Conflict with Respect
In civil society, different people come together to form community. While differences may cause conflict, for the sake of the common good, we practice empathy and respect for others. We use literature to talk about how people from different perspectives see the same thing. We discuss how to...
Young people learn about people and children who are homeless and make bedtime bags for children in shelters as their service project.
"I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody." - Lily Tomlin
Photo Credit:...
Unit: Writers as Activists
Students will recognize the linguistic strategies that Alice Walker uses in her introduction to Anything You Love Can Be Saved that persuade readers to believe in her causes, and thus begin to think about techniques that they can use in their own activist writing, which they will do in...
Unit: Road Less Traveled
Participants read about the philanthropic traditions of early African-American culture and place the values of giving in a hierarchy circle.
Unit: What Is a Youth Advisory Committee?
Using provided evaluation or reflection forms, share details about the service and its impact. A demonstration to an interested audience is a great way to show details of the need and service and celebrate relationships and impact.
Unit: Early American Influences
We look at the Society of Friends/Quakers and describe how this group promoted the common good. The Quakers pushed for religious freedom and freedom of choice, which are Core Democratic Values. As a group, they formed organizations to promote social change in the areas of slavery,...
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 7)
In this lesson the learners discuss a quote about gratitude and consider the relationship between caring and gratitude.
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 8)
Learners reflect on their attitude about and responsibility for making fair choices about spending. They use the literary device of metaphor to express their thoughts.
Unit: Dear Philanthropist
After researching the life and work of a chosen philanthropist from history, the learner takes on the role of that philanthropist in writing a letter back to the learner. In this letter, the philanthropist shares their motivations and feelings about their work, and compares and contrasts...