Sojourner Truth's contributions to abolitionism and women's suffrage are revealed through her own words. She worked tirelessly to aid the freed men after the Civil War and brought increased recognition to their plight. We discuss the right of all voices to be heard in a democracy and...
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Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
Unit: Deliver Gratitude Day
This lesson focuses on the meaning and benefits of gratitude. Teens research one aspect of gratitude in order to understand its relationship to health, happiness, or generosity. For their service project, they decide how they can 'deliver gratitude' to a deserving person or group. They will then...
This lesson focuses on the meaning and benefits of gratitude. Participants give examples of what people give up (opportunity cost) when they give philanthropically. For their service project, the young people will decide how they can 'deliver gratitude' to a deserving person...
Unit: Gi-VING Treasure through a Video Project
Students have the opportunity to create a brief video as an application to award someone they admire $1,000 as a needed boost. This lesson guides discussion of why and how to take action for the good of someone in the community. A lesson in mini-grantmaking with a powerful impact on...
Unit: Living In a Community
This lesson introduces the definition of a community and explores how communities come together to help or address a need.
Photo credit: Woodward Downtown by Becky McCray is licensed under CC BY 2.0...
Unit: Grow Involved 6-8
Young people learn about environmental stewardship and its importance to all people. They carry out a service project that demonstrates environmental stewardship.
Unit: Early American Influences
We learn how different groups coming together for the good of all established the Mayflower Compact. This brief agreement was the first document of its kind designed to bring a community together to focus on the common good. This may be a model for a group agreement written by the...
Unit: Healthy Food Choices
Students learn about food choices as needs or wants. They read a book and discuss healthy choices. They discuss why is not always good to have everything you want. They discuss the foods we need to have healthy bodies and minds. Students create healthy food choice plates and share them to...
Unit: Project on Poverty and Homelessness at Sea Crest School
Students will learn about federal social service programs over time and SNAP, the food assistance program.
Unit: Philanthropy and Children Who Are Homeless
The purpose of the lesson is to create an awareness of local agencies that provide services for needy people, teens, and families in the community. Students will also learn the motivations for giving and see how help is provided to the community through the four sectors of the economy. Students...