This lesson focuses on eight levels of tzedakah (charity) that were identified by a great Jewish thinker known as Rabbi Moses Maimonides. Students will investigate various ways to give charity and gain an appreciation of how people give of their time, talent or treasure. They will...
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Unit: Opening Our Hearts and Hands to Others (Tzedakah)
Unit: Cultural Competence
Young people explore demographics and definitions to better understand some of the disabilities of their peers. They discuss how we can support one another's unique expressions of self.
Unit: Souperservice Kids
These activities raise awareness of the five senses and the role the senses play in making food choices. We read a book about the senses and practice using them in center activities.
Unit: Stitch in Time for the Common Good
Learners explore the contributions and recommendations of Benjamin Franklin as a person who engaged in active citizenship.
Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 7)
Learners use a decision-making model to identify the issues they feel most concerned about. With those in mind, they explore how perseverance and doing their personal best are more effective ways to address needs than looking at the short term.
Unit: Character Education: Courage (Grade 8)
In this activity, the learners get character snapshots of several different real-life heroes and look for patterns and lessons they can take away.
Learners do a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) of taking courageous action in a difficult situation.
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 6)
Learners define caring through discussion of examples and writing an acrostic.
Learners get inspiration from the work and words of Mother Teresa about performing small acts of kindness. They make a plan for carrying out a small act of kindness.
In this lesson, we learn that small actions do matter to the common good. While Mother Teresa is an amazing example of generosity, selflessness, and caring, we don't need to give up everything and make grand gestures to be caring.