Clean water is a scarce natural resource because pollution and careless action can make it unusable for consumers. Learners research reliable facts about their local water and propose philanthropic acts to contribute to the common good.
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Unit: Save a Drop For Me
Young people learn about people and children who are homeless and make bedtime bags for children in shelters as their service project.
"I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody." - Lily Tomlin
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Unit: Advise and Consent
Participants identify and compare the different roles of the four sectors of the economy (government, business, nonprofit, and family). They identify which sector does what and observe how they approach differently the sometimes overlapping responsibilities....
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
To have students go through an experience that mimics the multiple steps and importance of clear communication between parties necessary in planning and carrying out a service learning project.
Our classes do “The Beast” game as we prepare for our grade-wide service...
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (9-12)
Students research the practices of healthy exercise. They identify a topic related to good nutrition and personal health and write 3-5 facts to share with the class. They identify nonprofits that work to address related health needs and contact them by phone to ask questions.
Unit: Opening Our Hearts and Hands to Others (Tzedakah)
In this lesson, the students are empowered to explore charities related to their own interests and make an impact of their own. Students research different charitable organizations and choose one to represent in a creative way at a tzedakah fair. The students invite family and community...
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
All cultures have practices and customs regarding hospitality, or how we treat guests. In these folktales, we learn about different expectations and degrees of these customs and how travelers test the limits of hospitality and feel the effects of their host's generosity.
Wealth may be measured in something other than money. We may feel wealthy if we have a loving family or good health. Community wealth may be in relationships, respectful leaders, and good places to visit.
Unit: Deliver Gratitude Day
This lesson focuses on the meaning and benefits of gratitude. Participants give examples of what people give up (opportunity cost) when they give philanthropically. For their service project, the young people will decide how they can 'deliver gratitude' to a deserving person...
Unit: Surviving Auschwitz (9-12)
This lesson focuses on two young Jewish survivors of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazi death camp. As they return to their home town and the concentration camp, they each tell their story and explain why they were willing to return to such an...