After reading about historical figures who have taken philanthropic action related to justice, youth write a narrative about a more recent (young) philanthropist who took action for social justice.
After reading about historical figures who have taken philanthropic action related to justice, youth write a narrative about a more recent (young) philanthropist who took action for social justice.
Students explore the components of the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution and apply them to their own lives, with a particular emphasis on philanthropy. This lesson is designed for Citizenship/Constitution Day (September 17) and connects students to the community-building focus of the...
Students identify the components and rationale behind the Constitution, with a particular emphasis on philanthropy. This lesson is designed for Citizenship/Constitution Day (September 17) and connects students to the community-building focus of the Constitution and how it relates personally to...
Analyze quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr, about being loving and inclusive. Design posters to encourage action and diverse community building.
Sometimes it is wise to follow the advice of others and at other times it will only bring disaster. This lesson examines stories from South Africa, Morocco, and Nigeria and character traits valued in those cultures.
An activity and picture book discussion illustrate the tendency for people to see differences as a reason to fight. As we see in political divisions, society can be torn apart by factions. Differences provide an opportunity to be curious about someone else. Factions may also have a...
Young people identify examples of philanthropy in a classic piece of literature. Note: One handout has Biblical applications of the storyline.
Young people use their voice to speak up for injustice and take action for the common good.
We're all the same in one basic way: We all want other people to understand us. In this lesson, youth learn about needs of differently abled children in their school or community and take a step toward removing barriers. They use the persuasive power of communication to raise awareness of ways to understand and show respect for people with disabilities through a service project.
Youth learn about basic human rights and discuss whether everyone deserves these rights. In addition, they reflect on examples of human kindness and collective action for the common good.