When we take action for the common good, we give up something: a little time or money that might have been spent on something else. Youth explore different forms of sacrifice for the common good and answer the question: When is a sacrifice justified and necessary, and when is it too much or a...
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Unit: Common Good in Aztec Culture
Unit: Grow Involved 9-12
In this lesson, students define serial reciprocity as "paying it forward." They compare the concept of paying it forward (serial reciprocity) with the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They brainstorm issues and campaigns they can address to make an impact that ripples forward as a result of...
Young people discuss the need for and examples of nonviolent conflict resolution. They promote the idea of taking action for change by organizing a rally for nonviolence.
Learners research the examples of President Jimmy Carter's values and leadership over his lifetime. They identify his acts of generosity and commitment to the good of all and reflect on how this inspires others.
Unit: Be the Change: Democracy
In this lesson, we explore the importance of each person's right to vote and the injustice of limiting that power.
Unit: TeachOne: Coming Together for Environmental Action
The learners explore the building grounds or neighborhood, looking for places that need extra attention and stewardship. When they find a spot to care for, they must find out who the stakeholders are and interview them. Listening to different perspectives before making a plan of action shows...
Unit: A Beautiful World
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (6-8)
Students explore the meanings of community and healthy. While moving around the classroom in an organized game, they have conversations about healthy communities and healthy choices for themselves.
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
The learners explore folktales related to forgiveness. They investigate how compassion is interrelated with forgiveness, and describe challenges to real forgiveness.
Learners analyze Buddhist folktales to determine their relevance to everyday life. There are times when the easiest thing one can do is leave and let others deal with a stressful situation. When one stays and works through the tough times with responsibility...