In this episode of the Kids Are Philanthropists too! podcast, we explore the ways children feel grief. Curious about what kids are deeply concerned about? Grief is one of the most pressing concerns amongst 3-5th grade participants in The Giving Square programs in 2023....
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Unit: Grief "Kids Are Philanthropists Too!" Podcast
Unit: Roots of Philanthropy (Teen)
Youth Activity: Students brainstorm time, talent, and treasure examples that they have to offer/give. The activity will ask each person to think of some ways he/she can generate money.
Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
This lesson gives an overview of the nineteenth century Industrial Revolution, and the major changes to how people live and work. Young people learn about the key inventions and changes that shifted focus from people and their skills to big machines and systems of mass production. The systems...
Unit: Forced to Flee and Find a New Home
Young people investigate, plan, and facilitate a service-learning project that benefits refugees in their community.
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Unit: TeachOne: Coming Together for Environmental Action
Learners walk around their neighborhood parks observing plants, use of space, and ways to make the shared space better. They problem-solve about things they can do and then interview and survey others to get ideas and permission to take action.
Unit: Save a Drop For Me
Clean water is a scarce natural resource because pollution and careless action can make it unusable for consumers. Learners research reliable facts about their local water and propose philanthropic acts to contribute to the common good.
Unit: Hands On Philanthropy: A High School Course at Kentucky Country Day School
To introduce students to the financial side of operating a nonprofit organization and to the financial reporting they are required to do for the IRS.
Unit: Dear Philanthropist
From stories and examples, participants identify attributes, motivation, and impact of philanthropists.
Unit: Phil Up on the Arts
Discuss when permission is needed in order to perform an act of philanthropy. Learn and practice a song about giving.
Unit: Philanthropic Behavior
Young people will take turns, show respect for the work of others, and cooperatively build a project.