Although the problems of the environment seem overwhelming, if each person does a little, the problems can be reduced. Even small contributions make an impact on the environment. Students choose ways they can make an impact through their small...
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Unit: This Land Is Our Land (Stewardship) (Private-Religious)
Unit: Community Health and Safety
Together we define philanthropy and identify health and safety issues we encounter in the community. The group creates a visual display showing issues of health and safety that are important to them.
The group collaborates to plan, carry out, and reflect on an authentic service project that meets the health and safety needs of the community. This is based on the needs assessment conducted through surveying community members in previous lessons.
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (6-8)
Students examine their personal healthy habits and their school (and neighborhood) environments to collect information about nutrition and fitness in the community. Students consider what changes they can make to the school or...
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To introduce students to a variety of specific nonprofits and their representatives who address topics such as the organization's mission, financial support, and work.
Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
Learners explore character traits and life lessons through folktales from various American cultures. The stories illustrate the impact of "paying a debt forward" rather than "paying it back."
Unit: From Passion to Career: Leadership Paths
Students read and analyze different leadership types and then create a visual presentation about a "servant leader" who puts the needs of those served first. They may explore the rich Our State of Generosity website to read about...
Unit: Road Less Traveled
In this lesson, participants read quotes and background on European Americans that exemplify their giving traditions. They listen and summarize passages, and then illustrate one person's view or experience and place the illustration and quote on a classroom...
Unit: Early American Influences
Benjamin Franklin's work was in service to making a better world, and he influenced the nonprofit sector. His book, Poor Richards Almanack, makes connections to the common good through personal virtue and actions. The participants choose quotes to create posters that communicate...
Unit: Opening Our Hearts and Hands to Others (Tzedakah)
This lesson focuses on eight levels of tzedakah (charity) that were identified by a great Jewish thinker known as Rabbi Moses Maimonides. Students will investigate various ways to give charity and gain an appreciation of how people give of their time, talent or treasure. They will...