Students view primary documents to explore public policy on service. They make meaning of the government role and citizen responsibility in civic action. They make a personal plan of service based on their available time, talent, and treasure.
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Unit: George H.W. Bush and Points of Light
Unit: Disaster Relief - You Can Count On Me! (3-5)
This lesson introduces learners to taking personal action to respond to a crisis or disaster. They learn vocabulary terms spend, save, and donate, as well as the definition of philanthropy (giving time, talent, and treasure, and taking action for the common good).
Unit: What Is a Youth Advisory Committee?
Using provided evaluation or reflection forms, share details about the service and its impact. A demonstration to an interested audience is a great way to show details of the need and service and celebrate relationships and impact.
Unit: Roots of Philanthropy (Teen)
Youth Activity: Young people watch a video of people telling what they think "philanthropy" means. Then they conduct their own interviews to gather information about the understanding of the concept of philanthropy.
Unit: Telling Our Stories of Giving
Students become familiar with the structure of the newspaper and the purpose of the different types of articles as they explore "stories" about acts of giving and sharing time, talent, and treasure for the common good. Students recognize the types of voices and articles in the newspaper. They...
Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
Discussion of the book The Three Questions guides youth to be aware of people and needs around them and the importance of service as a response to the needs of others.
Author: Urban EdVenture Faculty at Westminster
Unit: Advocacy-Getting the Job Done
In this lesson young people learn about the tools of advocacy for the common good. They investigate the characteristics of advocates and develop their own personal advocacy style.
Unit: Environmental Groups and the Three Sectors
Learners investigate and share information about environmental organizations, particularly around the Flint Water Crisis, to compare and contrast how the three sectors differ in their purposes, goals, and achievements.
Unit: Living In a Community
The children select a service project based on interests and abilities, and community needs. They plan and carry out the project. Some community projects may include fixing up a park, helping at the library, helping a neighbor, building bird houses for the nature center, and making banners...
Unit: What Is Philanthropy?
Using the plays from the previous lesson as a jumpstart, youth carry out a plan to share time and talent in the community. They may help at a local food pantry or donation center. After the visit, they reflect on the impact of their contribution to...