Students explore the legacy of George H. W. Bush and how he has contributed to the common good as part of his lifelong commitment to service and through his Points of Light initiative. The students work in small groups to answer questions and present to the class for discussion. Each student...
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Unit: George H.W. Bush and Points of Light
Unit: TeachOne: King's Words of Challenge
Learners make a talent chain for the group. This is a representation of the many strengths and talents each learner brings, making the whole group strong. A children's book sparks a joyful idea for community members to connect over art, and the learners establish a relationship with people at a...
Unit: Watershed S.O.S.
The purpose of the lesson is to educate learners about watersheds, ways in which water pollution occurs, and how important proper use of watersheds is to them. After understanding the importance of the watersheds, they will recognize that wise usage of their local watershed is an example...
Unit: Tolerance (Private-Religious)
The learners will review the tolerance skills/characteristics necessary to discern and promote tolerance. They will also identify situations that call for tolerance in their daily lives.
Unit: The Power of Children
Students form groups, sign group agreements, delegate tasks, and begin forming their service-learing project proposal. The teacher provides mini-lessons to individuals, as needed, who bring information back to groups on presentation skills, budgeting, and service-learning procedure.
Unit: Roots of Philanthropy (Teen)
Youth Activity: Participants will re-examine the definition of philanthropy and recognize philanthropic traits. They will begin to understand philanthropy and see themselves as philanthropists. Participants will begin to see themselves in a “new light” and reflect on how...
Unit: You Are Uniquely You
Through exploration, we see how six simple machines do their jobs together to get work done. Just as each machine is unique and valuable to the whole, so is each person unique and valuable to our group, to nature, and to the world. We see the value of deliberately respecting others and...
Unit: Drumming from the Heart
The purpose of this lesson is to have the children identify the value of the gifts in the folktale "The Drum." They brainstorm gifts they have to give (time, talent, and treasure) and the value these gifts may have to others.
Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 6)
Learners brainstorm a variety of short-term and long-term goals and discuss the logistics of carrying out the goals. They brainstorm needed resources and how they can persevere in reaching one or more of the goals.
Unit: Deliver Gratitude Day
This lesson focuses on the meaning and benefits of gratitude. Teens research one aspect of gratitude in order to understand its relationship to health, happiness, or generosity. For their service project, they decide how they can 'deliver gratitude' to a deserving person or group. They will then...