Rosa Parks' acts of philanthropy brought a community of people together for the common good and resulted in major social change in her community and in the nation. Participants identify a need in the community and take action with personal responsiblity.
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Unit: Heroes and Their Impact
Unit: Hands On Philanthropy: A High School Course at Kentucky Country Day School
This lesson briefly explains the process a group goes through as they deliberate and decide upon which applicant organizations will receive grant awards.
Unit: Humans and Nature Flourishing Together
Using the inspiration of Amanda Gorman’s poem “Earthrise,” participants consider what it means to act in ways that honor the Earth. Individuals identify and publicly commit to take action that works to help humans and nature flourish together.
Unit: Philanthropy—A Day at the Beach
Young people convince others to take care of the beach or protect the Earth. They write an essay or make an advocacy poster.
Unit: Nonprofits are Necessary (6-8)
Students will describe how local nonprofits help the community.
Unit: Gi-VING Treasure through a Video Project
Students have the opportunity to create a brief video as an application to award someone they admire $1,000 as a needed boost. This lesson guides discussion of why and how to take action for the good of someone in the community. A lesson in mini-grantmaking with a powerful impact on...
Unit: Music of the Civil Rights Era, 1954-1968
"Freedom songs" were an important motivating force during the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968. Through music we explore the important figures in the Civil Rights Movement and their contribution to the common good.
Unit: Stitch in Time for the Common Good
Learners explore that government and non-profit organizations together help bring about breakthroughs in modern science and medicine. These contributions to the common good require the support of philanthropists, large and small.
Students write to pen pals in a different community and discuss ideas related to a service project. For example, the pen pals may plan and monitor a canned-good donation project.
Unit: Save a Drop For Me
Clean water is a scarce natural resource because pollution and careless action can make it unusable for consumers. Learners research reliable facts about their local water and propose philanthropic acts to contribute to the common good.