Learners use words to communicate positively and build community. A service project involves writing positive messages on stones and placing them strategically to uplift and beautify.

Students learn about the goals of Earth Day and identify areas in town that need clean-up or planting. They plan a day of service.

Teach this one-period lesson plan and follow it with a simple and powerful service project before or on Earth Day. The reflection brings learning and service impact together. 

Students learn about the role of bees as pollinators and learn about reasons their population numbers have been declining in recent years.  They write a letter or create a handout to teach others how to help bees through planting native species.

Students have the opportunity to create a brief video as an application to award someone they admire $1,000 as a needed boost. This lesson guides discussion of why and how to take action for the good of someone in the community. A lesson in mini-grantmaking with a powerful impact on students and community. 
