PCS 01.
Self, citizenship, and society

Learners develop an understanding of the seven principles of Kwanzaa through artistic applications. They are challenged to apply the principles to their everyday lives in a way that enhances the communities to which they belong.

The children recognize they form a community when they are brought together for a common purpose. They are encouraged to be philanthropic within interest groups, schools, and families to build trust and for the common good of the community.

Young people read or watch the stories of individuals (motivations, background, values) who have received the Nobel Peace Prize and analyze the importance of their actions for the common good.

With the Nobel Peace Prize as an example of an award given for improvements to the common good, the young people list descriptors of people and organizations in their community or families who exhibit generosity and promote peace in some form. 

Participants gain awareness about the work of local nonprofit organizations through research and by interviewing representatives. They summarize the mission, needs, and impact of the organizations on the community.
