To introduce students to the differences between businesses and nonprofit organizations and key terms used in each sector.
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Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
Unit: Community Connections
The learners will be introduced to philanthropy and be able to generate examples of various ways the community is impacted, either by individuals, families or community organizations.
Unit: Cinderella Stories
This lesson introduces the characteristics of fairy tales as a genre. The children explore positive and negative character traits and universal themes in the story of Cinderella. The service plan is introduced in this lesson and carried out over the next weeks.
Unit: Teamwork: Unit One of Establishing a Student-Run Foundation
Students play a game that involves taking risks and watching out for others. They discuss their feelings in both roles and discuss the role of trust and responsibility in community.
We look at two examples of art connecting diverse people. The first example is a man who connects people around the world by dancing badly and capturing cultural expressions of dance and community. The second example is an artist who leaves free paintings around Boston (and then around the world...
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (6-8)
Students analyze survey results, choose a community health need, and design a service project to address it.
Unit: Sacred Giving (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
Learners will develop an understanding of the differences between the secular concepts of charity and philanthropy and the Jewish concept of tzedakah.
Unit: Friends Helping Friends to Prevent Bullying
Learners role-play responses to bullying behavior and start to brainstorm ways to promote kind behaviors at school and decrease bullying behaviors.
Unit: Smiles Change the World
All people have need for and deserve friendship and belonging. In this lesson, we explore the elements of community relationships, like kindness, inclusion, listening, and trust. The children compile pages to make a big book that teaches others to be caring community members.
Unit: Philanthropic Literature
In the book, Miss Tizzy, the repetition and days of the week make this warm neighborhood story predictable. Miss Tizzy is generous with the neighborhood children in so many ways. How do the children take action when Miss Tizzy gets ill?