To provide an opportunity for students who can maintain a vision of a goal their group has to achieve, to show leadership and coach their group members towards the goal. Helium Hoop also creates a space in which leaders can learn to sense the energy of a group. Often times, a...
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Unit: Urban EdVenture Course by the Westminster Schools
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 7)
Play a simulation game that illustrates each individual's power to take action for the good of others.
Unit: Tzedakah: How Can We Help? (Tzedakah) (Private-Religious)
This lesson will help students learn the importance of helping people in need, and teach them to take an active role in helping others. It will allow the students to be aware of what kind of items and quality of items should be donated, how to communicate an idea to others by visual means...
Unit: Advocacy-Getting the Job Done
Young people identify several advocacy strategies and draw conclusions as to their effectiveness. They research efforts in past advocacy campaigns to learn about people, styles, and effectiveness.
Unit: Friends Helping Friends to Prevent Bullying
Learners take action for the common good to promote kindness in their school. They give smiley stickers to others or create posters to display around school with messages that promote kindness or teach people how to respond to bullying behavior.
Unit: Those Who Care
The lesson provides learners with an opportunity to explore ways to become a hero for animals by promoting animal welfare and humane treatment of animals. Learners identify a local, state, national or international animal welfare cause and develop a personal service/advocacy plan, using the...
Unit: Constitution Day
Students identify the components and rationale behind the Constitution, with a particular emphasis on philanthropy. This lesson is designed for Citizenship/Constitution Day (September 17) and connects students to the community-building focus of the Constitution and how it relates personally to...
Unit: Disaster Relief - You Can Count On Me! (3-5)
This lesson introduces learners to taking personal action to respond to a crisis or disaster. They learn vocabulary terms spend, save, and donate, as well as the definition of philanthropy (giving time, talent, and treasure, and taking action for the common good).
Unit: Teamwork: Unit One of Establishing a Student-Run Foundation
Unit: Philanthropy—A Day at the Beach
With guidance from a local environmental agency, prepare the youth in advance of volunteering their time to clean up a lake or river for the common good. Arrange a field trip that includes picking up trash and recording the data.