Youth Activity; Students read about the philanthropy of Madam C.J. Walker, David Robinson, and Jason Crowe, and they begin to tell their own story.
"I do what I do for a simple reason, really; I like to help people." - middle school student
Youth Activity; Students read about the philanthropy of Madam C.J. Walker, David Robinson, and Jason Crowe, and they begin to tell their own story.
"I do what I do for a simple reason, really; I like to help people." - middle school student
Music may bring joy or it may help people reflect on their feelings. The "freedom songs" may have motivated the Civil Rights activists as they sought to aid the common good, and we can bring music to someone in the community as a gift of generosity and inspiration.
We are introduced to The Group of Seven, a group of artists whose intent was to establish a national identity, a sense of pride and an original style for Canada, inspired by the environment. This was a philanthropic endeavor for the common good of all. Participants create similar...
Young people discuss examples of philanthropy in poems and quotations. They write an expression of philanthropy using the poetic conventions of metaphor, simile, and personification. These statements could be used as the text for greeting cards produced for an Art from the...
In response to the book, Thank You, Mr. Falker, the children identify the negative effects of bullying or exclusion. They explore the effects of positive treatment and respect for others.
This lesson focuses on the language of human rights. Learners examine the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and analyze the rights from a personal perspective. They discuss how well they perceive that the rights are enforced.
We define community as "coming together with a common purpose" and brainstorm communities we are part of: classroom, sports team, interest and faith groups, and neighborhood. We reflect on how philanthropy and trust affect the common good of the community.
A celebrity philanthropist may become focused on a specific cause because her life is connected to the cause. Learners read about Oprah Winfrey's philanthopic work and then reflect on issues that are important to them.
Youth read about Rosa Parks and evaluate how her protest of an unjust situation was philanthropic in nature. They learn that there are 198 methods of non-violent protests that can be used to fight injustice. The youth evaluate issues of inequity or injustice and propose nonviolent solutions...
This lesson will help students learn the importance of helping people in need, and teach them to take an active role in helping others. It will allow the students to be aware of what kind of items and quality of items should be donated, how to communicate an idea to others by visual means...