Youth role-play situations in which they are involved in philanthropic acts. They analyze the act of philanthropy.
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Unit: What Is Philanthropy?
Using Guidestar as a source, young people identify three nonprofits and their mission statements.
Unit: We Can All Do Our Share
The purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate that being in a group (or community) requires cooperation, working together, getting along, and resolving conflicts. The activity enables the children to accomplish this while having fun at the same time.
Unit: Living In a Community
Children learn that the community has four sectors: business, government, nonprofit, and family. The children may walk through an area in their local community to identify which sector is represented by different places. As an alternative, they may look at a local map.
Unit: Forced to Flee and Find a New Home
This lesson focuses on the language of human rights. Learners examine the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and analyze the rights from a personal perspective. They discuss how well they perceive that the rights are enforced.
Unit: Character Education: Caring (Grade 7)
Learners reflect on simple actions that can make a difference to at least one person, and maybe make a bigger difference as the kindness is passed on.
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 7)
In the final reflection, the learners connect the concepts of fairness and philanthropy through written a response to a quote or personal experience.
Unit: Character Education: Fairness (Grade 8)
Learners meet in a "round" to discuss issues of fairness and the common good. They explore how downloading music for free affects the common good. They brainstorm other issues of fairness that affect the common good.
Unit: Character Education: Trustworthiness (Grade 8)
In this lesson, learners describe what a group looks like that has a high level of trust with each other.
Unit: Be the Change: Personal Health
Learners look at the role exercise plays in overall health. They make a plan to engage younger children in more active play and exercise.