This lesson focuses on the language of human rights. Learners examine the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and analyze the rights from a personal perspective. They discuss how well they perceive that the rights are enforced.
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Unit: Forced to Flee and Find a New Home
Unit: Phil Up on the Arts
Stretching imagination and vocabulary, youth brainstorm words that demonstrate kindness and generosity. Being playful with their postures and shadows, youth work cooperatively with one or two others to act out their ideas and form alphabet letters.
The young people create a video by compiling recordings of the songs and acting they did as a group to communicate the meaning of acting for the common good. They share their video with a local hospital, retirement community, or preschool as entertainment.
Unit: Encouraging Community Engagement
Through a fable, learners discuss how generosity improves the quality of life in their communities.
Unit: Philanthropy 101 Course of The Westminster Schools
To help students understand that not all organizations spend their philanthropic dollars wisely and to teach them effective ways to assess the different approaches.
Unit: Character Education: Perseverance (Grade 8)
Learners define perseverance and identify the need to persevere in completing tasks. They will explore obstacles and excuses that deter perseverance.
Unit: Tikkun Olam (Private-Religious)
Unit: Community Philanthropy
We define civic virtue and give examples of ways to exhibit civic virtue for the common good.
Unit: Healthy Youth, Healthy Community (9-12)
Students research the practices of healthy exercise. They identify a topic related to good nutrition and personal health and write 3-5 facts to share with the class. They identify nonprofits that work to address related health needs and contact them by phone to ask questions.
Unit: Bullying Prevention Plan
Youth make a plan as empowered and responsible members of the civil society to take action to prevent bullying behavior while being sensitive to the people involved, from the victim to the bystander to the bully.